Walk in Sennyu-ji Buddhist Temple – Kyoto, Japan
Sennyu-ji (泉涌寺), formerly written as Sen-yu-ji (仙遊寺), is a Buddhist temple in Higashiyama Ward in Kyoto, Japan.
For centuries, Sennyu-ji has been a mausoleum for noble families and members of the Imperial House of Japan. Located within the temple grounds are the official tombs of Emperor Shijō and many of the emperors who came after him.
It was founded in the early Heian period.
In the temple there is a large painting of Buddha on his death bed. This massive image (8 meters x 16 meters) is the largest in Japan. The image at nearby Tōfuku-ji is the second largest of its kind in Japan, measuring 7 meters x 14 meters. Both images are only rarely shown.
Video Source: 京都🎍東山【泉涌寺🎌泉山七福神巡り】Sennyu-ji Temple🎍Kyoto Japan from Kyoto trip TV on Youtube ⁄ CC BY