Partnering with Worldwide
The website is a global website, visible worldwide and open for collaboration in advertising.
The advertiser will be offered for consideration an effective model of promotion of products and services with 100% visibility of advertising by all users on all devices.
You can advertise if you:
Airline company
Travel company
Hotel, resort, sanatorium
Transfer, car rental
Online store
This is not a complete list.
List of inappropriate advertising:
Counterfeit goods (trademark counterfeiting)
Dangerous products or services (weapons, explosives, firecrackers, fireworks etc.)
Inappropriate content (scary face, promotion of lewd, violent or gruesome images and videos, violent music)
Adult content (goods and services, dating services)
Drugs and paraphernalia
Gambling and games
Healthcare and medicines (clinic treatment)
You can contact by Email: [email protected]
Best regards, Administrator