Vina del Mar, Chile – Coastal Resort City

Vina del Mar, Chile – Coastal Resort City

Vina del Mar is a city and commune on central Chile’s Pacific coast.

The valley where Vina del Mar was founded was known as the valley of Peuco by the Changos, native inhabitants of the area dedicated to fishing. With the arrival of the Spanish conquistadores the valley was divided into two large haciendas. North of the Marga Marga creek up to the current location of Reñaca, Viña del Mar, and to the south up to the current Cerro Barón (Baron Hill), the Hacienda Las Siete Hermanas (The Seven Sisters).

Francisco Javier Alvares authorized the construction of a railroad through his lands to join Santiago and the port of Valparaíso. The arrival of the railroad brought a young engineer Jose Francisco Vergara who married Francisco Javier Alvares’s granddaughter, Mercedes Alvares. It was José Francisco Vergara who instigated the idea of the creation of a new city independent of Valparaíso.

Video Source: Viña del Mar 2021 Walk 4K – LocalEyes from LocalEyes on Youtube CC BY


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