Kanhi Cherry, Christmas Roses, Weeping Cherry – Showa Park, Tokyo

Kanhi Cherry, Christmas Roses, Weeping Cherry – Showa Park, Tokyo

Kanhi cherry blossoms, Christmas roses and weeping cherry blossoms are beginning to bloom in Tokyo’s Showa Memorial Park.

Showa Memorial Park (国営昭和記念公園) is an emperor Showa commemorative national government park, located in Akishima and Tachikawa, Tokyo, Japan. It is the largest park in Japan, covering 1,653,000 square meters.

Video Source: 寒緋桜陽光・クリスマスローズ・枝垂桜等綺麗に咲いた💘昭和記念公園2023 Kanhi cherry,Christmas roses,weeping cherry blooms at Showa KK from 名無くん on Youtube CC BY


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