Walk in Voskresenskiy Sobor – Tutayev, Russia
Tutayev (Тута́ев) is a town in Yaroslavl Oblast, Russia. It was established in 1822 as Romanov-Borisoglebsk from two much older towns on opposite sides of the Volga River: Romanov and Borisoglebsk.
The Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ (Voskresenskiy Sobor) is an Orthodox church in the town of Tutayev (Romanov-Borisoglebsk), Yaroslavl Oblast, Russia.
A monument of church architecture of the second half of the XVII century. It belongs to the Rybinsk diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church.
Video Source: Воскресенский Собор. Тутаев. Ярославская область. from ir4ik Yar on Youtube ⁄ CC BY