Walk in Shanghai – Light Show on the North Bund

Walk in Shanghai – Light Show on the North Bund

June 30th is the first light show for the celebration of July 1 in China. It should be the first time that it should be official.

This time we chose the North Bund in Shanghai as the observation point. In the Shanghai news, it was mentioned that the North Bund is also the best light show observation point. So, I tried to come here and have a look. I thought that not many people went there.

As a result, the North Bund was crowded with citizens watching the light show. What’s incomprehensible is that the best viewing point of the North Bund was closed. The citizens had to find a place to watch, but most of them were on the back of the light show.

Huangpu District, Shanghai

Video Source:【4K. Shanghai】Watch the light show on the North Bund \上海の街 from WuWa Vision on Youtube ⁄ CC BY

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