Walk in Rokuharamitsu-ji Temple – Kyoto, Japan

Walk in Rokuharamitsu-ji Temple – Kyoto, Japan

Rokuharamitsu-ji Temple (六波羅蜜寺) is a Shingon Buddhist temple located in Kyoto City, Japan. The main deity is the eleven-faced Kannon (Goddess of Mercy). It is the 17th temple of the 33 temples in the western part of Japan.

The date of foundation is not known, but according to the Fuso Ryakki, a history book written in the Heian period (794-1185), the temple was founded in 951 by Kuya Ichino Hijiri, known for his dancing Buddhist chanting, and was named Saiko-ji Temple after the eleven-faced Kannon (Goddess of Mercy), the main deity of the temple.

In Kyoto at the time of the plague, Kuya walked around with the statue of the Kannon, chanting Buddhist prayers and serving tea to the sick, saving many people.

Video Source: 京都・東山【六波羅蜜寺💎福寿弁財天様と💧銭洗い弁財天様をまつる財運の寺】Rokuharamitsuji Temple~ Kyoto Japan from 京都旅行〔Kyoto trip〕花と水と木 on Youtube C

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