Red-billed Leiothrix – Bird Sound

Red-billed Leiothrix – Bird Sound

The red-billed leiothrix is a member of the family Leiothrichidae, native to southern China and the Himalayas.

Body length 15 cm. Iris brown. The mouth is red. Feet pink.
The forehead, top of the head, back pillow, and upper back of the male bird are olive green slightly yellowish, the lower back, waist, and tail coverts are dark gray olive green, the tail is forked, gray black, the wings are gray black, and the wing coverts are dark olive green, Wing spots red.

Eyes, around the eyes light yellow, ear feathers light gray. The chin and throat are grayish yellow, the upper chest is orange-red, forming a wide chest band, the lower chest, abdomen, and undertail coverts are yellowish white or milky yellow, the middle part of the abdomen is white, and the sides are light yellowish gray.

The female bird is similar to the male bird, but the wing spots are orange-yellow, and the eyes are white and slightly yellow.

China, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Southeast Asia, etc.

Video Source: 紅嘴相思鳥/Red-billed Leiothrix from Chuenguey Hwang on Youtube  CC BY

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