Driving in Hamburg on a Sunny Day
Hamburg is a major international and domestic tourist destination. Since July 5, 2015, parts of the Kontorhaus district and the adjacent Speicherstadt district have been UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Hamburg’s rivers and canals are crossed by around 2,500 bridges, making it the city with the highest number of bridges in Europe.
Aside from its rich architectural heritage, the city is also home to notable cultural venues such as the Elbphilharmonie and Laeiszhalle concert halls. It gave birth to movements like Hamburger Schule and paved the way for bands including The Beatles. Hamburg is also known for several theatres and a variety of musical shows. St. Pauli’s Reeperbahn is among the best-known European entertainment districts.
Video Source: Driving in Hamburg *[Sunday Trip II]* from Renato Atzeni on Youtube ⁄ CC BY