World Highest Train Ride from Xining to Lhasa

22 hours train ride from Xining (the Capital of Qinghai Province) to Lhasa.

Confined in a tiny space where you can view nothing but vast pieces of lands and endless mountains.

Where you make friends with everyone, sharing dinner and jokes. The altitude started to hit everyone when the ride started to climb to the highest level of 5072m. Most people got headaches and some felt nauseous. I had a headache on my forehead when I woke up in the morning with dry purple lips.

Some say trip to Tibet is where you are nearest to heaven and it is also a place where you may go to heaven.

Video Source: World Highest Train Ride – From Xining to Lhasa 青藏高铁 – 西宁前往拉萨 from karennsh on Youtube ⁄ CC BY


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