Walk in Higashi Hongan-ji Buddhist Temple – Kyoto, Japan
Higashi Hongan-ji Temple (東本願寺) is the head temple of the Otani sect of Shin Buddhism located in Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan.
The main deity is Amida Nyorai. Amida Nyorai (阿弥陀如来), the Japanese version of Amitabha Buddha.
The temple was established in 1602 by the shōgun Tokugawa Ieyasu when he split the Shin Buddhism sect in two (Nishi Honganji being the other). The temple was first built in its present location in 1658.
The temple grounds feature a mausoleum containing the ashes of Shin Buddhism founder Shinran. The mausoleum was initially constructed in 1272 and moved several times before being constructed in its current location in 1670.
At the center of the temple is the Founder’s Hall, where an image of the temple’s founder, Shinran, is enshrined. The hall is one of the largest wooden structures in the world at 76 m (250 ft.) in length, 58 m (190 ft.) in width, and 38 m (125 ft.) in height.
The Amida Hall to the left of the Founder’s Hall contains an image of Amida Buddha along with an image of Prince Shōtoku, who introduced Buddhism to Japan. The hall is ornately decorated with gold leaf and art from the JapaneseMeiji Period.
The temple has burned several times.
The Founder’s Hall and Amida Hall were constructed and completed in 1895, with other buildings being restored by 1911. These buildings comprise the current temple.
Video Source: Kyoto🎎Higashihonganji-Temple~京都・東本願寺🎎巨大こけしのアート from Kyoto trip TV on Youtube ⁄ CC BY