Sakura and Tulips in National Showa Memorial Park, Tokyo

Sakura and Tulips in National Showa Memorial Park, Tokyo

National Showa Memorial Park (国営昭和記念公園) is a national government park in Akishima and Tachikawa, Tokyo, Japan. It is the largest park in the Tokyo area, covering 1,653,000 square meters.

Formerly a Japanese military airbase and in the postwar era operated by the US military, Tachikawa Airfield was returned to the Japanese government in 1977.

Part of the airfield remains a Japan Ground Self Defense Force base, while the remainder of the airfield was used to establish Showa Commemorative Park in 1983 as part of a project to commemorate the emperor’s Golden Jubilee. There is a small museum dedicated to the Showa emperor.

Video Source: 【春爛漫♥昭和記念公園】春のお花たち♪ 桜、チューリップ、ムスカリ、紫花菜 Cherry Blossoms & Tulips @Showa Memorial Park, Tokyo from Live my joy on this beautiful planet on Youtube CC BY


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