Bus Route 798 (Tiu Keng Leng Station to Fo Tan Village), New World First Bus Services Limited (NWFB), Hong Kong
New World First Bus Services Limited is the third largest bus operator in Hong Kong. NWFB was established in 1998, taking over 88 China Motor Bus services on 1 September the same year in Hong Kong Island.
Before NWFB commenced, franchised bus service in Hong Kong Island was provided by China Motor Bus (CMB) (franchisee since 1933) and Citybus (franchisee since 1991).
Bus Route 798 (Tiu Keng Leng Station to Fo Tan Village), Stops:
Tiu Keng Leng Station
Tong Ming Street Park
Tseung Kwan O Plaza
La Cite Noble
Nan Fung Plaza
Hau Tak Estate
King Lam Estate
Yan King Road
Leung Kit Wah Primary School
Verbena Heights
Po Hong Park
Tate’s Cairn Tunnel Toll Plaza
Greenfield Court
Sha Tin Station
Lek Yuen Estate
Wo Che Estate
Fo Tan Village
Video Source: [武漢肺炎][行車片]NWFB 798調景嶺站→火炭(駿洋邨)(全程冇剪接) from WH1471紅鑽工作室 on Youtube ⁄ CC BY