Eight Exercises of Baduanjin Qigong
Baduanjin (八段錦), also known as Ba Duan Jin, is a classic Chinese type of fitness exercise with a very long historical tradition.
Variously translated as Eight Pieces of Brocade, Eight-Section Brocade, Eight Silken Movements or Eight Silk Weaving, the name of the form generally refers to how the eight exercises characterize and impart a silken quality (like that of a piece of brocade) to the body and its energy.
The Baduanjin is primarily designated as a form of medical qigong, meant to improve health. This is in contrast to religious or martial forms of qigong.
However, this categorization does not preclude the form’s use by martial artists as a supplementary exercise, and this practice is frequent.
The Baduanjin traditionally contains both a standing and seated set of eight postures each. In the modern era, the standing version is by far the most widely practiced.
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