Birdhouse for Eurasian Blue Tit

Birdhouse for Eurasian Blue Tit

The Eurasian blue tit is a small passerine bird in the tit family, Paridae. It is easily recognisable by its blue and yellow plumage and small size. Eurasian blue tits, usually resident and non-migratory birds, are widespread and a common resident breeder throughout temperate and subarctic Europe and the western Palearctic in deciduous or mixed woodlands with a high proportion of oak.

The Eurasian blue tit prefers insects and spiders for its diet. Outside the breeding season, they also eat seeds and other vegetable-based foods. The birds are famed for their acrobatic skills, as they can cling to the outermost branches and hang upside down when looking for food.

Video Source: Permakultur Grundlagen – Beobachte die Tiere & Lerne von Ihnen | Die Blaumeise | ? Folge 184 from Projekt Schrebergarten – Kunterbunte Vielfalt on Youtube ⁄ CC BY


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