Tamassee Knob Hike in Oconee State Park – South Carolina, US
Oconee State Park is a state park located in the Blue Ridge Mountain region of South Carolina. This 1165-acre (472 ha) park has several recreational opportunities to choose from. They include cabins, camping, fishing and boating in the two small lakes located on the park grounds, hiking on eight nature/hiking trails, and several picnic and meeting facilities.
The southern end of the Foothills Trail and the western end of the Oconee Passage of the Palmetto Trail are in Oconee State Park.
A short and sweet video of my day hike with Nora to Tamassee Knob (Tamassee Knob Trailhead & Parking Lot) in Oconee State Park. The fall colors were absolutely beautiful. It’s been a while since I’ve just day hiked, and I’m really glad we were able to take the time to do this.
Video Source: Tamassee Knob Day Hike – Oconee State Park from Seagrass to Sassafras on Youtube ⁄ CC BY